Sometimes I think people do something to me or say something just to make me write about it in my blog. It’s like, they know I have a blog or something, so they want to make me freaked out so that I’ll write about them. Which doesn’t always happen, I maybe only write about half the stuff that happens to me. It’s not like hiding anything, I just have to pick and choose what I decide to post about.
Can you imagine if I posted EVERYTHING? Honestly. Like, this embarrassing thing happened at lunch today (at our stupid supposed-to-be-a-table-for-fourteen but was actually only 12). But I’m not going to write about it! Instead I’m going to say that my granddad had some Japanese visitors at his company this past week, and he said they so very nice and brought him gifts! He gave them to me, and one of them is the CUTEST little tiger keychain. I am in love with it. Also two bags with sumo wrestlers on them and a fan. Neat. They also gave my granddad a really nice watch but he wouldn’t let me have that, LOL. Since he didn’t have anything to give them he said he was going to send them a copy of my comic… He told them I like japanese stuff, that I’m always buying these japanese tapes, and he said they said they’d have to send me some!! LOL!
Now, going to see HP again, I hope I don’t fall asleep cause I’m really tired.